Ultima actualizare la data: 16 august 2022

[photo credit: Fransisc Ambrus]
INDONESIA 2022 World Stamp Championship results
The INDONESIA 2022 Palmares dinner took place on Sunday evening, 7 August.
Major winners:
World Stamp Champion: William Kwan, Hong Kong, “Hong Kong Designs, Proofs, Specimens and Other Archival Materials”
Grand Prix International: Jan Huys-Berlingin, Liechtenstein, “Belgium’s first issue, the Epaulettes”
Grand Prix National: Tono Dwi Putranto, Indonesia, “The Development of KLM and KNILM Operation in the Netherlands Indies 1920-1942”
The complete exhibition results by Country and by Class are listed in the 68-page Palmares booklet which was uploaded this morning on the exhibition website and it is available in pdf format here.

[photo credit: Fransisc Ambrus]
INDONESIA 2022 World Stamp Championship
INDONESIA 2022 World Stamp Championship opened last Thursday in Jakarta and is closing tomorrow, Tuesday, 9 August, when the 76th FIP Congress will be taking place.
Here is a short photo report, sent to us by Francisc Ambrus, the National Commissioner of Romania.

Photos: Hal Vogel (left), Jacqueline S. Alton, Kenneth R. Nilsestuen, Graham Beck
[photos credit: APS website]
American Philatelic Society announces the recipients
of the 2022 Awards
On 30 July the APS announced the recipients of the 2022 Awards which will be presented in the Great American Stamp Show in Sacramento on 27 August.
The American Philatelic Society Luff Awards
(a) For Distinguished Philatelic Research: Hal Vogel
(b) For Exceptional Contributions to Philately: Jacqueline S. Alton
(c) For Outstanding Service to the APS: Kenneth R. Nilsestuen
John Walter Scott Dealer Award: John Birkinbine II
Ernest A. Kehr Award: Graham Beck (Exploring Stamps YouTube channel)
Inducted to the APS Hall of Fame: Gordon Morison, Stanley Piller and Dr. Guy Dillaway.
Granted with the Nicholas G. Carter Volunteer Recognition Award: Dr. Jean Wang, Kim E. Kellermann, William T. Harris III, Clarence McKnight, Cathleen F. Osborne, Beatrice Adams Cox, David M. Klauber and Trice Klauber.
Details on the APS website here.

[photo credit: Hotel Hermitage Facebook account]
“Philately – Forever in the shadows?”
FEPA Panel Discussion at Monacophil 2022
On 25th November at 11:30 am FEPA is organising a panel discussion on “Philately – Forever in the shadows?” at the Hotel Hermitage in Monte Carlo. This discussion will form part of the MONACOPHIL 2022 exhibition. The panel host will be Charles Epting, CEO of H.R. Harmer in New York, who has been very active in promoting philately on-line with his “Conversations with Philatelists”. The panel will include several interesting participants and we are expecting to have a good discussion about how to improve our image and capture the interest of a broader and younger audience.
Details of the programme here. Do join us. We will be very glad to see you.

“100 years of inflation” at the upcoming IBRA 2023
A special show at the upcoming IBRA 2023: “When postage cost billions, 100 years of high inflation in Germany 1923”. German inflation started rising slowly with World War I in 1914 and lasted until the so-called “hyperinflation” in November 1923. No other industrialised country in the world was confronted with such extreme currency devaluation as Germany. Inflation came to an end with the introduction of the Rentenmark.
The uniqueness of German inflation is reflected in postal history. During the final phase of inflation, postal rates were only valid for a few days before the next increase. This makes the subject of inflation one of the most fascinating, exciting and complex collecting areas in German philately. It is not a coincidence that INFLA-Berlin, which specialises in the subject, is the largest ArGe in BDPh with over 900 members.
The 100th anniversary of hyperinflation in 2023 is reason enough for the IBRA 2023 to dedicate a special show to the topic of inflation. The special show is organised in close cooperation with INFLA-Berlin.

[photo credit: Wolfgang Maassen]
Dr Wolf Hess (1945-2022)
It is with great sadness that we report the passing of Dr Wolf Hess RDP who lost his long battle with cancer on 31 July.
Wolf was a distinguished surgeon and a towering figure in philately in Germany and internationally. A renowned author, exhibitor and international juror, he created many collections and exhibits and was an international judge in traditional philately, postal history, thematics and postal stationery. He won many high awards, and Grand Prix in thematics at HAFNIA in 2001 and in postal history in Sofia in 2009 with ‘Finland Postal History’. He was elected to the Roll of Distinguished Philatelists in 2010 and in 2020 became a member of the Consilium Philatelicum. He was a great friend and helper to many and will be greatly missed.

Les Congolâtres, a magazine for the Belgian Congo enthusiasts
A few days ago we received an email from the editors of Les Congolâtres, a digital philatelic bulletin (as they modestly like to call it). The name of the publication itself is a direct invitation to collectors and enthusiasts of the former colony of Belgian Congo.
Les Congolâtres is a bimonthly magazine of mostly research articles, totally bilingual (in French and English), offered free of charge, which may be downloaded in pdf format or alternatively read in web book (Issuu) format.
You are invited to visit the editors’ website at https://www.philafrica.be/CONGOLATRES to discover the magazine and a lot more on Belgian Congo than you might expect.

New President and Board for the Romanian Philatelic Federation
Following the elections of 18 June, the Romanian Philatelic Federation has a new President and a new Board of Directors, as reported by the newly elected Secretary General, Romeo Minca.
President: Ion Chirescu
Vice President: Victor Iordache
Secretary General: Romeo-Radu-Cristian Minca
Members: Marius Muntean, Mircea Muresan, Nicolae Salade, Francisc Ambrus