Ultima actualizare la data: 19 noiembrie 2022

Dear customers and friends of Corinphila,
MonacoPhil 2022 in Monte-Carlo starts on Thursday, 24 November 2022! Corinphila and the Global Philatelic Network will be present with a joint stand at this event! We would like to invite you to visit us.
- Visit us from 24 to 26 Novemberat our stand at MonacoPhil
- Find out about our upcoming auction in Zurich. Auction catalogues are available at the stand.
- Take a look at our new EDITION D’OR and EDITION SPÉCIALE book publications (see invitation below)
- Find out about our upcoming auction in Zurich. Auction catalogues are available at our stand.
- Make use of our free service to value your stamps, covers and collections!
- Consign in Monte Carlo to our June 2023 auction in Zurich – IT IS NEVER TOO EARLY FOR A SUCCESSFUL CONSIGNMENT!
- In Monte Carlo we will also be pleased to accept your consignments for our sister companies in the Global Philatelic Network: Corinphila/Netherlands, Heinrich Köhler/Germany, H.R. Harmer/USA or John Bull/Hong Kong. Find out all about this at our stand!
- For more information please visit www.monacophil.eu
Book presentation
We cordially invite you to the following event:
Book presentation of new volumes of the EDITION D’OR as well as „Hervé Barbelin: Oscar Berger-Levrault” with subsequent reception.
Thursday, 24 November 2022, 3.30 pm – 5.30 p.m., Hôtel Hermitage, Salle Eiffel
If you can not attend MonacoPhil personally, you can follow the presentation live on 24 November via Youtube.
Future of Philately
In addition, we would like to draw your attention to the following event:
„Philately – Forever in the shadows?”
This panel discussion will focus on developing ideas on how to improve the perception of philately and the attractiveness of organised philately and also attract a wider and younger audience to philatelic events.
The event will be chaired by Charles Epting, Managing Director of our sister company H.R. Harmer. Five panellists, including Dieter Michelson (Managing Director of Heinrich Köhler), will present their views and „visions”, and at the end the audience will also be invited to participate in the discussion.
Friday, 25 November 2022, 11.30 am – 1.00 p.m., Hôtel Hermitage, Salle Eiffel
We look forward to your visit!
Corinphila Auction
28 November – 3 December 2022
Directly after MonacoPhil, the Corinphila international auction will take place in Zurich. A total of over 6,000 auction lots will be on offer.