FEPA NEWS 45 77 The World of Research Kerchief worn by the Coimbra Academic Battalion, showing the figure of Magalhães Lima, the Grand Master of the Portuguese Freemasons in those days, with the green and red republican colours along its edges. António Sollari Allegro, a member of the Ruling Council of the North, where he occupied the post of Minister of the Kingdom for Home Affairs. A cavalry officer, he was commissioner of the Porto police in the times of Sidónio Pais and an important leader of the Porto Military Junta. Following the monarchists’ defeat he withdrew to Spain where he was to live in exile. Left: Diary of the Ruling Council of the Kingdom of Portugal whereby the Republic was decreed extinct and the Monarchy restored. Right: Proclamation to the people of Porto made by the republican authorities immediately after the re-establishment of the Republic. The people of Porto celebrating the re-establishment of the Republic after the defeat of the monarchist forces. The flag used by the Royal Porto Academic Battalion.